- 亚历山大: 除了今天的比赛外,他还曾于2023年2月5日对阵火箭时出场30分钟,23投14中轰下42分,引领球队153-121获胜。
- 字母哥: 这位希腊怪兽凭借强大的冲击力让防守者难以抵挡。在2022年10月23日与火箭的比赛中,他只用了28分钟便21投17中(三分3中2)拿到44分,帮助雄鹿125-105战胜对手。此外,在2023年1月30日面对鹈鹕时,他又出战30分钟,26投20中的情况下狂砍50分,使雄鹿135-110轻松取胜。
- 恩比德: 在2022年1月20日76人123-110战胜魔术一役中,恩比德打了27分钟,用23投17中的效率得到50分。而在2023年12月17日,对黄蜂的一场较量里,他也同样使用30分钟取得42分快速结束比赛(23投18中)。
- 哈登 strong>: 哈登作为得分快手,不论何时都能给敌方造成威胁。2017年2月12日在火箭133-102赢太阳之际,仅用29分钟前进41点(罚球16罚14命),而2019年的一次交锋则是在面对骑士期间,再度发飙斩获43份(24射12入,11罚全准)。
- < strong >浓眉< / strong >: 无论身处鹈鹕还是湖人,这名内线巨星始终都是关键得益来源。他曾于2017 年 1 月 10 日率先为 鹈鹕 对 尼克斯 的 比赛 打造 出一个 闪亮 开局 ,当 时 他 用22 投 中14 (罢黜 得 分 数 为4 十 )获得40 分 。 而 在 湖 人 与 火 箭 战斗 后 决定性的 回归 表现 于去年4月份再下一城——此役濒临36秒落幕却仍然收割45积分! li > < li >JR -史密斯 : 虽然 JR 是 此 列表 上 最 不 知 名 的 一 位 球 员,但他的“神经刀”一旦发动,也会展现毁灭性力量。当他所在掘金时期,两度突破单场四十分记录:2009 年4 月14号面对此前国王军团构建118—98逆转;及09年底124—104称霸老鹰后更是一举实现41 点破天荒! li >
< li >Klay Thompson: b>The Splash Brothers can be considered one of the most explosive offensive duos in NBA history. Before his injury, Klay had enough speed and epic shooting ability to often deliver astonishing performances; he achieved this feat four times throughout his career within just thirty minutes:
April 14, 2015: Warriors vs Grizzlies — Played for exactly thirty minutes with a staggering twenty shots made from fifteen attempts (three-pointers ten out of eight), scoring forty-two points.
December 6, 2016: Warriors vs Pacers – In only twenty-nine minutes on court shot an incredible sixty points off fifty-three attempts (including three-point field goals fourteen outta eight).
October thirtieth , two thousand eighteen against Bulls saw him score another impressive fifty-two point game over merely twenty-seven mins played!
January Twenty second Two Thousand nineteen was no exception either as once again showed up big time contributing yet more than forty-four total scores across less than half hour’s playing time! LI />
- S tephen Curry : B>This record holder has undoubtedly earned top place among all players listed here due largely because if unleashed we see how rapidly opposing defenses crumble under pressure generated by devastating long-range accuracy seen regularly during games spanning entire season lengths . His seven occasions where exceeding mark occurs exemplifying greatness that is uniquely associated exclusively towards himself alone ! Featured highlights include appearances such like : April Fourteenth Sixteen wherein facing Memphis allowed him netting highest figure reached thus far achieving overall efficiency rating resulting into stat line showing successful conversion rates nearing seventy percent while tallying forth six additional rebounds alongside other assists leading final tallies coming through victory margin totaling upwards around twelve plus totals accrued respectively afterwards too ! Jan uary Twenty ninth Seventeen also showcased similar outcomes yielding high numbers reflected back onto scoreboard confirming dominance exhibited shown even when faced against fierce rivalries present oftentimes encountered previously known ones before now having been conquered decisively each instance thereafter confirmed likewise trends continued onwards cumulatively building upon previous successes experienced earlier…. LI/> ...More instances follow suit chronicling milestones accomplished henceforth showcasing sheer talent possessed which sets apart these individuals amongst others competing simultaneously at same levels concurrently occurring day-to-day basis making them stand above rest ultimately gaining recognition deservedly so !!!