杨旭: strong >首先,是热爱,因为他们喜欢这个行业,希望把自己的经验传递给新一代孩子们,因此愿意牺牲一些个人利益。另外,不同于成人职业球队,儿童教学需要更多耐心以及育人的理念。有些家长认为找个外籍(如日本)教练就可以解决问题,其实这是误区,每位教练都有各自擅长之处,需要根据特点合理安排工作。例如,高桥老师专注于控制性进攻,他会最大化发挥他的强项。而且,日本有系统性的拆分训练方式,以便不同领域得到有效提升。 p > < p >< strong > 东体 : 影响退役运动员选择做青春年少 教 师 的主要顾虑是什么 ? strong > p > < p >< strong > 杨 旭 : strong 我认为原因有几个 。 首先 , 青少年 的收入明显低 于 职业 球 队 , 有时候甚至可能 一个月薪水还 不 如 一个职 业 队 年 薪 水 。 第二,在管理一个成年团队时,你要关注战术输出,而对于年轻选手,则需关注教育与发展两者结合的问题,这是截然不同的方法论。同时,用专业人士处理儿童项目也未必合适,小朋友理解能力较弱,所以必须用更加细致入微的方法去引导他们。然而,现在不少退休运动员虽然进入这一行,却往往难以持久,很重要的一点就在于是缺乏内涵和系统性的内容输出。 < / P > < P >< Strong > 东 媒 : 您认 为现在 日本 最 热 门 的 体育 项目 是 足球还是 棒 球 ? Strong > P > < P >< Strong > 杨 旭 :
EAST MEDIA:The main reason why so many children have started playing football in Japan over the years?
Yang Xu: STRONG I once mentioned on social media that the Japanese Football Association launched a concept called "circular happiness." What does this mean? First, when kids see their idols play football, they are inspired to join. As they progress and become semi-professional players representing their schools, earning victories brings them accolades and further motivates them to continue playing. If some do not make it professionally, they often return to youth training programs as mentors for others. Those who succeed become role models themselves—this cycle constantly inspires more young people.
You may notice during our recent training session with these youngsters there was no disruption or joking around at all.
Zhang Yu: There has never been any unruliness or laughter; everything is conducted seriously here.The coaches maintain strict discipline but also know how to create an engaging atmosphere without resorting to blame tactics — which proves effective! Parents are drawn into watching too!. I've approached two venues seeking collaboration only for those places refusing rental agreements because of fear we would attract away potential trainees from their own existing systems! Our coaching approach emphasizes independent thinking rather than handing out answers directly leading students toward better outcomes while minimizing distractions altogether."."