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最喜欢的足球运动英语作文30字 Football is the most popular ball in the world. More and more people like watching footbal...


Football is the most popular ball in the world.

More and more people like watching football matches.

They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing.

They shout for their players.

I think many Chinese football players have improved match after match since the Professional Football League of China was established.

However, we still have a long way to go to compete in Asia and the world.

We should learn from foreign teams.

We need to invite foreign players and coaches.

Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua, and Guangdong Apollo are among the best clubs.


I want to join the football club. First, I love soccer. I often play with my classmates after school. My favorite football star is Beckham. Second, I am good at playing football.


“I am Lionel Messi, and this is my story:

At the age of 11,


I was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency.

Despite being smaller than others,

I became more agile.

I learned to play under pressure

and how to dribble forward,

which felt most comfortable to me.

Now I understand that sometimes,

bad things can turn into good things.”


1. The origin of football can be traced back to the ancient Chinese game "Cuju."

2. This sport spread to Europe through Arab culture and gradually developed into modern football.

3. The birthplace of modern football is in England, marked by the establishment of the "Cambridge Rules" in 1848.

4. The Football Association was founded in 1863 to unify the rules of the game.

5. The first official match between England and Scotland took place in 1872.


6. Football became an official event at the second Summer Olympics in 1900.

7. Football is commonly referred to as "Football" worldwide, but in the USA and a few other countries, it is called "Soccer."

8. Each match consists of two teams, with 11 players each, including one goalkeeper.

9. The total duration of the match is 90 minutes, divided into two 45-minute halves.

10. There is a maximum 15-minute break, during which the referee can add extra time based on the match conditions.

11. If the match ends in a tie, extra time may be played, and if still tied, a penalty shootout will determine the winner.

12. If the ball completely crosses the sideline, a throw-in is awarded, and if it crosses the goal line, a corner kick or goal kick is awarded.

13. When passing forward, the receiving player must have two opposing players between them and the goal to avoid being offside.

14. Fouls committed in the defending team's penalty area result in a penalty kick, and if the ball hits the goal post, it cannot be rebounded.

15. Fouls outside the penalty area lead to free kicks, and the defending team can form a wall if it's close to the penalty area.

16. Direct free kicks can be taken directly at the goal, while indirect free kicks must be preceded by a pass.

17. Serious fouls will receive yellow card warnings; the second yellow card or any violent conduct results in a red card expulsion.


1. The origin of football can be traced back to China, where the ancient game "Cuju" is considered the earliest form of football.

2. Historical documents like "Strategies of the Warring States" and "Records of the Grand Historian" detail "Cuju" activities, with the former describing the popularity of the game in the Qi state during the Spring and Autumn period and the latter indicating its use for training soldiers and assessing physiques.

3. Today, football is one of the most popular sports globally, widely called "Football," while in a few countries like the USA, it is referred to as "Soccer."

4. In 1872, England and Scotland played the first official football match between associations.


5. By 1900, football was included as an official event in the second Summer Olympic Games.

6. The International Federation of Football (FIFA), established in 1904 and headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, oversees football globally.

7. Major competitive events in football include the FIFA World Cup, the UEFA European Championship, and the UEFA Champions League.

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