答:I 我尽量避免参与其中。当然,我会保护我的队友,与他们建立亲密关系,但我只想专注于打好每一场球。
A: strong > 我看他打球已经很久,从他新秀赛季开始。他是一名非常全面且难以防守的选手。我在训练和夏天练习的时候就发现,对付他真的是个挑战。他低位得分能力强,同时外线三分命中率高,这使得防守变得棘手。因此,我只能努力让他的进攻更困难一点,不过这是项艰巨任务,他表现真的相当出色。
<B:科尔教练称赞你的职业态度和每日投入,现在库明加受伤,你可能获得更多机会。对此怎么看待球队深度以及其他队友抓住机会,比如林迪今夜关键三分呢? strong> p >
< p >< strong > 答: strong > 这充分说明团队背后的辛勤付出。有很多人每天都在努力,即便没得到想要上的时间,他们仍愿意放下自我,与其他队员一起进行2V2或3V3的小组训练。这支球队缺乏个人主义,每个人都乐意全力备战,为随时到来的机会做好准备。
P >
< STRONG > 问 : STRONG > 当初来到这里时期待拥有固定角色,如今看到自己的上场时间减少,有何感触? < Strong > B < /Strong>: 现在才12月份,所以不会太激动或者失落。本赛季还有很多比赛可以参加。我职业生涯经历过类似情况数次,但最终总会进入季后赛轮换阵容,因此目标就是不断提升支持伙伴,当机遇来临之际竭尽所能. P >
< STRONG >= Question: For you, what is the key to maintaining your form when not on the court?
Answer: It’s all about working hard in training. Obviously, I want to play games. Sometimes I feel frustrated, but instead of dwelling on that feeling, I choose to hit the gym and train. It's rewarding because through practice you can really sense your improvement. Although missing out on game time feels disappointing at times, accomplishing two or three high-quality training sessions each day reminds me of those summer days outside of season—when my name gets called up during a game; I'm ready for it.
Question: Did you notice Bain's collision with Wiggins sparked something in him?
Answer: Yes! That impact definitely ignited Andrew (Wiggins). He has great teammates like GP II talking to him saying ‘Andrew we need you.’ After that clash he truly woke up.
Question : You’ve been competing against Wiggins for years now; do you recognize when he's fully tuned-in?
Answer : Of course! I've seen this since we played together back around age 15/16 . When he locks into his focus , it's evident just how talented he becomes—as no one could genuinely stop him from scoring!The Game Recap: