10. 鹈鹕:风水宝地
9. 库兹马:独行侠与奇才之间的选择
8. 雷霆:无奈帮忙反害己
7. 穆迪、库明加:失去斗志?
This season marks the fourth year for both Moody and Kuminga with the Warriors, yet they依然处于尴尬的位置。穆迪获得3年3900万续约合同,而库明加则希望得到超3000万合约,但都没有如愿以偿。本賽季,两人的上場時間仍旧有限,经常受到科尔教练调动影响,加之勇士近期表现低迷,不禁让人猜测他们是否已失去了最初那份热情,也许换环境重新开始将更适合他们的发展。
6. 格威:两个前东家相逢记忆犹新
到凯尔特人夺冠后的庆祝派对,再到下个季度面对昔日队友塔图姆时做出的犯规行为,让格威成为众矢之的。他这种令人费解且引发关注的话题言论实属少见,更何况是在这样的舞台上碰撞两大劲旅的时候! p > < p >< strong > 5 . 鲍尔默 : 被莱昂纳德“绑架”的五年 😰 strong > p > < p > 虽然鲍尔默身怀巨额财富,但是为了留住明星球员莱昂纳德付出的代价也是惨痛。今年又一次看到他的健康问题再度浮现,即使如此,他还是给出了3 年1亿5240万美元 的提前续约 ,充分说明其决心。而今次尝试可能就是最后机会,我们拭目以待吧 。< / P > < p >< Strong > 4 .76 人:休息期的大赢家 Strong > P >
The 76ers in this offseason welcomed Paul George's arrival with great fanfare, signing him to a four-year contract worth $422 million while also locking down MVP candidate Embiid on a three-year deal valued at nearly $193 million.
Said that he would not participate in back-to-back games during regular-season play to ensure full health come playoff time but now finds himself unable even to enter postseason contention; perhaps he'll have more free time fishing alongside George instead of worrying about injuries!I hope you enjoy your rest! 💪🏀💵 — It seems like there's no end insight when it comes securing top-tier talent these days...
3.Pulling Bulls—Deadline Winners?Pull up past seasons' records show poor performance by Chicago underlines their questionable management choices as they've remained stagnant despite obvious opportunities presented through trade windows over last few years without taking advantage thereof leading us into our next topic:(2) Jokic vs General Manager Struggles (Number One Rivalry). The defending champions face an uphill battle trying retain championship roster amidst constant shifts within organization resulting difficulty maintaining competitive edge against league rivals due lack depth caused previous personnel decisions made ultimately leaving them vulnerable moving forward unless changes implemented soon enough before window closes permanently. Murray’s struggles only add insult injury considering how pivotal role played final stretch playoffs last summer which begs question whether or not Denver can bounce back from recent setbacks? Only time will tell…(Conclusion Pending). Lastly, "Ham - The Unfortunate Fall Guy?" Ham may indeed have his own issues however he's far cry away being sole culprit behind Lakers’ troubles overall."