- 13-佩尼亚
- 2-库巴西
- 3-巴尔德
- 5-伊尼戈·马丁内斯
- 23-孔德
- 6-加维
- 8-佩德里
- 25–什琴斯尼
/ 24 –埃里克 · 加西亚
--- ")
* @param string $name The name of the team.
if (isset($team['id'])) {
// Check for match overheads and return to normal process.
} else { }
/* Return data once all checks are complete, otherwise display error. */"""
// End response after final output.
.catch(error => console.log('Error:', error));
* This function is called when an AJAX request fails or returns no results from a server-side script that can be used in conjunction with the above functions as needed by your application logic such as logging into logs etc...
echo json_encode(['error' => true]);
// Get current user using session variables set on login success:
$loggedInUser = $_SESSION['user'] ?? null;
// Output data based on whether a logged-in user exists or not:
echo "
Hello" . ($loggedInUser ? ", {$loggedInUser}" : "") . "
"; if (!$current_user) { ```htmlYou do not have permission to view this content.
"; ``` }else{ // Add additional functionality here... } // For debugging purposes only: remove before deploying! var_dump($_SERVER); exit();