"未来若能进入高年龄段代表团,自然会开心。但目前最重要的是脚踏实地做好眼下工作。" 说完这些话题后,他们聊起最后一轮关键性的升班决胜局,当晚打入绝杀后的庆祝方式则显得自然随性。“那一刻特别激动,没有提前设计庆祝动作,只是一种瞬间反应,”他说。
"这一整个赛季,你五粒进 球 中 有 三 个 是 头 球 。你 的 头 球 抢 点 能 力 很 强 ,这是 教 練 指 导 的结果吗?" p > < p > "老 实话 来讲 ,过 去 我 对 于 头 球 并 不 擅 长 ,去年几乎 没 效果,但今年 上 一线 队 后 就逐渐摸索出来。在 中甲 平台 与 老 将 多 次 身体 对抗,加上一定身高 和弹跳优势,多加实践便找 回 感觉." 他补充称. p > < p > 在 问 到 自 己 如何 看 待 身体 对 抗 时 , “虽 然 在 身体 对 抗 方 面 不 占 优 势,但 我 会 全力 拼 搏 主 动 找 寻 接触,把 挑 战 放 大 至 五 五 开,而不是消极等待,”这样回答令记者印象深刻. P > < P >< strong > 大连 英 博 日常训练 强度如何呢? strong >
" 李 导 要 求 快速 转换 向 前,需要 高强度跑动,因此训练氛围要求严格,经常年轻小将都会吃不消," he said frankly .
This season's data shows that I have a lot of high-intensity and sprinting runs in each game because I'm young and my back-and-forth ability is stronger, so I'll pay attention to positioning opportunities for sprints at high intensity."
I think I am indeed performance-based players; the cheers of home fans give me great motivation, making my reaction speed faster than during training. However, this year at Yingbo I've gradually found better match feelings compared to past seasons where I'd consider myself more suited to practice situations.
"Proudly speaking about these five goals: from an emotional standpoint, the last absolute kill goal holds special significance for me as it fulfills my dream of contributing something meaningful towards Dalian football culture." He further added appreciation regarding another favorite strike against Yanbian which was noteworthy due its difficulty level—scoring after stopping inside box with powerful shot! "Winter training plans include hitting gym every day since coach previously suggested yet failed achieving consistently before—but now it's time!" The forward expressed his commitment while also addressing nutrition issues stating how poor digestion hindered weight gain thus needing improvement there too.< / P > "I’m fully prepared if facing tough competition within Super League games ahead! If not selected occasionally then will compensate through extra practices on weaknesses until skills rise enough naturally lead onto pitch playtime instead." "As new generation representing our hometown team returns back into top tier leagues again—they feel prideful knowing they stand alongside legacy established by predecessors but wish primarily focus remains upon passing down cultural essence tied closely together among all future talents emerging afterwards!”